Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ricoh GR Digital Firmware update

Ricoh releases third function-enhancing firmware update for GR DIGITAL
User requests reflected in update for functional improvement

Tokyo, Japan – November 20 – Ricoh Co., Ltd. (president and CEO: Masamitsu Sakurai) announced today that it will release on November 22 a third function-enhancing firmware update for its GR DIGITAL* high-resolution compact digital camera, which has been well received for more than a year since its release.
* The GR DIGITAL is a high-end digital camera popular with pro photographers, high-end amateurs, and photo aficionados that achieves high resolution in a compact body. It was first released October 21, 2005 and is open priced.
The function-enhancing firmware can be downloaded free of charge from the Ricoh website. The following features can be added to the GR DIGITAL by installing this firmware.

  • New optional sizes can be set for the JPEG images recorded simultaneously when taking photos in RAW(3264 × 2448). "N3260" (NORMAL 3264 × 2448) and "N640" (NORMAL 640 x 480) can be set in addition to the conventional "F3260" (FINE 3260 × 2448). This allows for more shots to be recorded.
    (For example, with a 512 MB SD card, RAW+F3264 allows for 33 shots, while RAW+N640 allows for 42 shots.)
  • With a 3:2 aspect ratio (vertical to horizontal ratio of an image), "N3:2"(NORMAL 3260 × 2176) can now be selected in addition to "RAW3:2" (RAW 3264 x 2176) or "F3:2"(FINE 3264 x 2176). This allows for more shots to be recorded.
    (For example, with a 512 MB SD card, F3:2 allows for 177 shots, while N3:2 allows for 308 shots.)
  • The exposure adjustment range when shooting with Auto Bracket (function for shooting multiple shots at different exposures) can be selected at ±0.3 EV in addition to ±0.5 EV. This allows for finer shooting with Auto Bracket.
    *Auto Bracket function cannot be used in RAW mode (same as before).

In addition to the above-mentioned functions, improved auto focus speed and focusing precision in macro photography.

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